
Robert Pluim, Business Development

I have decided to take over the Business Development Unit at peyote cross design by 2013 and to support the apero project with my know-how.
  • Seit 2013 selbstständiger Unternehmer - PBS Pluim Business Solution
  • CFO at the worldwide biggest group for luxury brands, Vienna
  • Finance Manager at the worldwide biggest group for luxury brands, Vienna
  • management board with commercial procuration since 2004, international pharma group, Vienna
  • Controlling and finance Mangement, international pharma group, Vienna
  • Accounting manager fon an international FMCG group in Benelux, Austria and CEE
  • Economic studies in the Netherlands and Germany

Departure - Project partner for apero software

The project apero synthesis framework was implemented with support of by departure, the creative agency of the City of Vienna.

Research and project partners

Applied research is an elementary component of all Peyote projects.

For this, we are accompanied by research partners such as the Technical University of Vienna and the Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences.

We look carefully into medical and biological aspects of functional motor impairment and possible therapies for this in the successful use of our solutions in exercise therapy. To do this, we work closely with two clinics in Vienna and one in Hochzirl in the Tyrol.

Our work is strongly interdisciplinary and we are closely linked with specialists from different areas. However, all our partners have one thing in common: they are the best in their specialist area.


Ars Electronica Technology partner for software
MEDS Technology partner for research & development, interaction hardware
Meso Technology partner for software
Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (NRZ) Rosenhuegel, Research partner in the field of medicine
State Hospital (LKH) Hochzirl, Research partner in the field of medicine
Technical University of Vienna, IMS Group Technology partner for research & development, tracking systems
Vizrt Technology and development partner in the field of television and presentation

Hostbuster Technologypartner for Software and Programming


Art partners

Art and architecture are two significant roots for Peyote. Peyote is continually involved in special art projects together with partners and friends. 


Gerald Nestler

Project "friend~ship"
Art project at the intersection of 3D visualization, animation, sound performance and architecture, which developed on the Internet and in urban areas. Together with artists, musicians, scientists and other collaborators, friend~ship explored, realized and mediated projects linking technology and art, thus facilitating a new form of virtual presence in the real world.


Sylvia Eckermann

Project "nowhere – ein welt raum spiel"
Art project in which the observer can move freely in any direction in a virtual, three-dimensional space. Architecture, sounds, spoken text and images support the effect of the medium. The free flight through time and space is selected as a metaphor and reflects the world of thought of the group of architects who met to exchange ideas in The Glass Chain letters (founded by Bruno Taut in December 1919).

Norbert Brunner


Project "Timebubble II"
Intensive collaboration since 1998, development and incorporation of media levels and interactive elements.



Collaboration in The Public project in West Bromwich.

The Austrian artist LIA is one of the pioneers of Net Art and Software Art. Since 1995 she has been working in various fields of digital art including online art, installations, videos, live visuals, facade projections, fine art prints and mobile phone applications.


Electric Indigo


To call her the most important woman in the Austrian electronic scene would be an insult: Electric Indigo long ago reached a level where conventional gender definitions are obsolete. As a DJ, she enjoys international rank, and as a producer she¹s becoming even more influential." (Sven Gaechter, Editor-in-Chief of Profil magazine and DJ) Together with Alexander Wagendristel she composed and produced the sound for the Austrian EXPO Pavilion. You can hear this sound now as the music of the peyote videos!


Oliver Irschitz
